The inability of a man to control his ejaculation during sex
is one of the most common sexual complaints - not just amongst men, but amongst
women too.
If premature ejaculation is giving you plenty of frustration in your relationship, then you'll find the following tips helpful.
Most men overlooked these simple strategies. But believe me... if you pay a little attention to these, great sex is just around the corner!
If premature ejaculation is giving you plenty of frustration in your relationship, then you'll find the following tips helpful.
Most men overlooked these simple strategies. But believe me... if you pay a little attention to these, great sex is just around the corner!
- Tip #1 - It Is NOT Just About Penetration
Many men have this mistaken notion that women can only
derive sexual satisfaction through intercourse. Nothing can be further from the
Did you know that far more women can achieve an orgasm through oral sex than intercourse?
That's true.
So it really works to your advantage to learn at least some basic cunnilingus techniques to bring your woman to an erotic boil FIRST before heading into penetration mode.
Once she gets her orgasm through oral sex, a lot of the burden and performance anxiety will be lifted off your shoulders.
And since performance stress and anxiety are two key factors of premature ejaculation, getting these out of the way can only mean better sex and better endurance for you, and your partner too!
Did you know that far more women can achieve an orgasm through oral sex than intercourse?
That's true.
So it really works to your advantage to learn at least some basic cunnilingus techniques to bring your woman to an erotic boil FIRST before heading into penetration mode.
Once she gets her orgasm through oral sex, a lot of the burden and performance anxiety will be lifted off your shoulders.
And since performance stress and anxiety are two key factors of premature ejaculation, getting these out of the way can only mean better sex and better endurance for you, and your partner too!
- Tip #2 - Focus On Your Breathing
One of the keys to lasting longer is in regulating how you
breathe during lovemaking. Breathing correctly will help relax both your mind
and body and can potentially give you a massive boost in sexual stamina.
That is also the reason why guys skilled in the art of tantric sex seem to possess an almost superhuman endurance, with the innate ability to make love for hours - literally. When you are penetrating her, try exhaling. As you withdraw, try to breathe in.This may be a little challenging if you are new to this, but with enough practice, it will become second nature to you!
That is also the reason why guys skilled in the art of tantric sex seem to possess an almost superhuman endurance, with the innate ability to make love for hours - literally. When you are penetrating her, try exhaling. As you withdraw, try to breathe in.This may be a little challenging if you are new to this, but with enough practice, it will become second nature to you!
- Tip #3 - Above All, Focus On "Female Adoration"
Great benefits await the man who practice delayed gratification.
Most guys have the tendency to jump straight into intercourse to pleasure
themselves instead of their partners.But if you remain focused on giving her the pleasure FIRST, you will inevitably
extend your staying power in bed.
Sex will become a transformative experience
instead of a short-lived adventure."Ladies first" doesn't just apply in social etiquettes, but in
lovemaking as well!
When it comes to banishing premature ejaculation from your life, these tips are a good start.
When it comes to banishing premature ejaculation from your life, these tips are a good start.
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